The Les Dames d'Escoffier Endowed Scholarship in viticulture & enology -
established 2004

About WSU School of Viticulture & Enology

The Viticulture and Enology major in Integrated Plant Sciences (IPS) was created for students interested in wine-grape growing and winemaking, as well as contributing to critical research and development opportunities in the wine industry. This program offers the technical, scientific, and practical experience needed to gain the essential skills for producing high quality grapes and premium wines. It prepares students for successful careers in the wine industry in Washington and beyond.. For more information.

Meet This Year's Recipients



CAHNRS (College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences); Viticulture & Enology:

Monica Contreras 
Alexandra Hibbs
SHBM (School of Hospitality Business Management) in honor of Gretchen Mathers
 Brittany Jacobs
 Elizabeth Nalbandian


Previous Year's Recipients


CAHNRS (College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences); Viticulture & Enology

  Alexandra Hibbs

  Anabella Miller

SHBM (School of Hospitality Business Management) in honor of Gretchen Mathers

 Brittany Jacobs

 Amber Krueger-Mauldin


CAHNRS (College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences); Viticulture & Enology

Katherine East

SHBM (School of Hospitality Business Management) in honor of Gretchen Mathers

Veronica Cothard


Melanie Ford
Melinda Garza

Carina Ocampo

SHBM (School of Hospitality Business Management) in honor of Gretchen Mathers

Sarah Harper


Carina Ocampo

Kaelin Campbell

SHBM (School of Hospitality Business Management) in honor of Gretchen Mathers

Sarah Beaudry

Valkyrie Jordan


Megan Creveling

Roxann Swank 


Roxann Swank


Lora Morgan:

Les Dames d'Escoffier, Seattle Chapter (LDES) recently awarded a $2,000 Viticulture and Enology Scholarship to Lora Morgan to help in her studies at Washington State University. Her goal after graduating is to work at a winery where she can gain more hands-on knowledge about winemaking and viticulture. Best wishes, and keep up all your good work, Lora! 

Kristen Ziegler


Kristen Ziegler: Kristen Ziegler is our 2011 Washington State University Enology Scholarship winner, studying at the Tri-Cities campus. She will graduate in the spring of 2013, and is concentrating on the winemaking side of the program. After she finishes school, Kristen would like to work under a Northwest winemaker as an enologist or assistant winemaker to get more work experience and learn different wine styles.


Catherine Jones: Catherine graduated from WSU with a BS in Horticulture having majored in Viticulture and Enology. She is now a graduate student in Soil Science at WSU’s Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center (IAREC) in Prosser, WA. Her project is titled "Yeast Available Nitrogen (YAN) in Wine Grapes with Post Veraison Foliar Nitrogen Applications." The intent of the project is to increase the amount of nitrogen compounds in the grapes that the yeasts can use during fermentation and to determine the impact on the development of flavor compounds. Her ambition, and the project’s goal is to help growers and winemakers produce better products.


Catherine Jones: Catherine graduated from WSU with a BS in Horticulture having majored in Viticulture and Enology. She is now a graduate student in Soil Science at WSU’s Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center (IAREC) in Prosser, WA. Her project is titled "Yeast Available Nitrogen (YAN) in Wine Grapes with Post Veraison Foliar Nitrogen Applications." The intent of the project is to increase the amount of nitrogen compounds in the grapes that the yeasts can use during fermentation and to determine the impact on the development of flavor compounds. Her ambition, and the project’s goal is to help growers and winemakers produce better products.


Melissa was born and raised in Spokane. She has B.S. in Chemistry from Western Washington. In the spring of 2004 she began taking courses in the Viticulture and Enology program at WSU. Melissa research focuses on the impact of finding agents on the sensory and chemical properties of Washington State white wine. The project involves working with large production of wine and identifying differences in aroma, flavor and mouth feel that each fining agent imparts on the wine. She hopes this research will provide valuable data and knowledge pertinent to Washington’s wine industry. Melissa hopes some day to establish her own winery.


Catherine Hinken: Catherine is our first Washington State University scholarship winner in the Viticulture and Enology Program. She graduated in December after finishing a seven month internship at Columbia Winery in Woodinville. She is a graduate of Inglemoor High School in Bothell. While at WSU she did an undergraduate research project conducting an astringency panel with Dr. Caroline Ross. With her Les Dames Scholarship, Catherine was able to participate in school clubs including serving as President of the Viticulture and Enology Club and Vice Chair of the Student Senate in the College of Agriculture, Human and Natural Resource Sciences and others which help broaden her education.
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